August 27, 2013

Today & everyday, I am grateful for the changes that the ocean brings…

Fog. I awoke to grey today. I could no longer see the ocean out my window, but I could hear it just the same. Waves rolling in & crashing. Sunlight filtered. Yesterday a sky cloudless blue & perfect welcomed me as I explored Ericeira, Portugal where I’ve decided to make “home”…until my next destination…captivated by living off what the sea can bring me.

…But it’s not home. This sunlight & haze equally fills the tides in my mind. I’m surrounded by the beauty of a simple, quiet life alone. I hiked the steep cliffs for miles undisturbed & mesmerized along the rising sea swell & desert foliage. Part of me wished I could be with my friends, my family, a lover…

The ocean has been my true love & with it I never feel alone. A challenge in this culture as all of your senses are seduced. I see lovers hands’ grazing the curves of bodies… I hear the native romantic sound off their lips…I taste the sweet vermillion wine off mine…I feel the warmth of the dry sun & sand under my palms & feet…the wind arching golden grains against a setting sun into the deepest of blue…somewhere across that ocean is my home…where my friends & family are living.

Fog fills my mind if I try to make a plan to decide what to do next. So many options can be confusing, drifting without an anchor. I know what I ultimately want in life & where to be but how to start? For I am here now & the only clarity is to live in gratitude for the moment. Nothing else is promised. Everything changes.

At the beach yesterday, I ran into my 19 year old hostel-mate that was disappointed with his surfing as he feared the currents pulling him out too far & had psyched himself out. I had taken my time to see that the waves were too big & disorganized to risk it in unfamiliar conditions. I told him how surfing taught me to be patient, to not fear the unknown & to not expect outcomes as the tides, wind & swell was always changing day-to-day. He was comforted as I said that we’d go together next time & it would be a better day as we equally were stoked about what surfing has brought to our lives!

Today I had to be more than patient & courageous. Despite the plan & my excitement to get in the ocean again, I awoke to immense fog. I passed time repairing my board & when the sun finally came out, we made our trek. With one working brake & my boardbag clung around my back, on bikes we climbed up & soared down the hills until the beach. We had thoughtfully planned where & how we would paddle out. With 4/3 full wetsuit & booties the Atlantic was still cold. We positioned ready to surf the point break, but then the fog rolled in. Visibility was less than 15′ around. I couldn’t see the cliffs above or the beach from where we started. At some point, I couldn’t see Morten, as he sat way out, & said prayers that his fear of drifting out to sea wouldn’t ring true. As the time passed trying to catch a wave, I knew that the tide was dropping exposing more reef & I needed to find a way in. Finally Morten reappeared as more surfers disappeared down the head-high set waves back to the beach. I caught a wave in but couldn’t see once the whitewash caught up to me. When I finally could see, the rocks were 5 feet away & I was still in the impact zone. I tried to paddle but my board then sat on the reef. One step over, I couldn’t stand as my feet sunk into the rocks. The waves fortunately were not strong enough to push or hold me down being that shallow, but I stayed calm & found a way out. I made my way to the shore.

There was nothing that I could have done to control the fog, waves, reef or any outcome as the result, much like anything else in life. But it was a lesson learned & I am more than grateful that the only minor injury was to my board.

Sometimes the fog in our lives brings forth clarity. Sometimes we drift out to sea. But I know that with love & gratitude, I can always find my way back to my home shore.


August 8, 2013

daliToday & everyday, I’m grateful for freedom…

The freedom to follow my own path…free will to live & to learn & to give…

I’m free to live in peace…

India is not a pretty place…It’s covered in poverty, people, pollution & shit. Step outside of it & what you can and cannot see, but also feel, is something beautiful…love…devotion…connection…

I have seen all of these aspects amongst the spectrum of spirituality coexisting here. The devout make pilgrimages across the world to their shrines & temples…they fall to their knees, kiss the ground, and offer every thread of their soul in prayer. Every shape, color, fabric, sound & symbol offers a higher meaning. A living story.

These stories connect the people to their land, their culture, their heritage….Warriors. Pacifists. Maharajas. Exiles. Brahmins. Untouchables. Monks. Nuns. Yogis. Gurus. Gods…

Overwhelming to say the least, and it’s difficult to know where one fits in without conviction of faith. I struggled with my own lack of devotion & identity as part of any defined group, as the feeling of not knowing where I belong has left me restless.

Is it this void why I have not been leading a life of constants? Or is this simply who I am? For my entire adult life in some form, I have been on the move, as fortunate that my freedom & openness of mind has allowed. As much as I committed myself to my job or my relationships, I would uproot myself to a new home, or a new challenge with a flip of a switch. I always believed that these changes afforded new adventures, experiences & life lessons. I’m grateful to be able to live such a dynamic life. Those that live inside the box thought me to be “unsettled” or “insecure” or “trying to find myself…”

I know myself, my values & my loves…undefined & I embrace it.

I didn’t chose to take this opportunity to be a traveller to find anything…but part of me has been asking to find that deep conviction & devotion to my faith, as a way of providing the stability one needs to navigate all of life’s unknowns & to lead a passionate life giving to others…when I return, I don’t know where I’ll want to live or work, but I know the doors will be open.

I have my own faith & assurance because I feel it all in my heart, and to me, it is love. It’s love that connects everyone here and wherever we call home. How else could so many people coexist here as in India with such limited resources? Why else would the inspiring people that I’ve been honored to work with & meet give so much? Why else would we stand up against injustices for peace?

But many across the world do not have this freedom. They are born into a life of slavery, prostitution, crime, violence, torture, poverty, expectation and oppression. Women are forced into the sex trade & beaten with barbed wire. Their children bear witness & trauma. Tibetans are tortured suspended by ceilings until their joints dislocate & bones break. Some set afire their bodies in protest of their oppression. Other faiths set afire their minds in zealousness, even extremism and violence. Very few break free to experience even a taste of what our lives are like back home. Peaceful. Safe. Free.

The thing that unites us all is that our faith, our “Gods” call us to do everything in love. We must look within ourselves & outside of our own comfortable lives to bring light to these injustices & to act…and to become one love for peace…
